
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game

Created by GreaterThanGames

An all-new tabletop roleplaying game system based in the exciting world of Sentinel Comics!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

It's October! We're at Essen!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 05:14:35 PM

Good morning, Sentinels fans!

This weekend, a lot of the GTG crew (myself included) is in Essen, Germany for the massive board game convention Essen Spiel! If you're at the convention this weekend, come see us in Booth #D147 in Hall #1! We'll have lots of Sentinel Comics stuff, as well as a variety of other great games like Spirit Island and the newly released Horizons of Spirit Island!

When we get back home, we'll continue working on both the remastering of the SCRPG Starter Kit, as well as the History of Sentinel Comics book and a few new SCRPG supplemental books as well! Adam recently finished all the art he's doing for the History book, though we still have a good deal of art by people other than Adam that we're also working on...

All that to say, we're still deep in the weeds on SCRPG content and excited to share more with you when we have things ready to send to you and the printers!

Until next month!


Excerpts from History!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 03:31:45 PM

Good morning, Sentinels fans!

Things are still moving right along here, with contractors doing lots of great work on a series of titles here, but today, I'm going to focus on just one: The History of Sentinel Comics.

Given that this is a history book (of a fictional publishing company, sure, but let's not get too bogged down by what is "real" here), it has a lot of art from the early years, including notable art from the Golden Age:

...and also plenty of art from the Silver Age:

But that's not all! The book ranges from the start of the publishing company up through the mid-to-late-twenty-teens, meaning you can expect to see some much more modern art, as well:

As for something smack-dab in the middle of all of that, here's an excerpt from the start of Chapter 7 of the book:

Progress on the book is coming along well, and we're feeling hopeful about having it all finished with art and layout and continuity editing and grammatical editing and off to the printer before the end of the year! A ton has been done, but there's still a good deal left to go! Fortunately, due to our teams here, we are also able to work on other projects simultaneously — we're looking to notably tighten the gap between product releases in the not-too-distant future. 

Until next time, keep up the good fight, Sentinels!


Gen Con is upon us!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 06:20:06 PM

Good morning!

Just a quick update today, as we're already in Indianapolis for Gen Con and doing setup and such. If you're going to be at the show this weekend, definitely drop by booth #1321 and say hi! Also, come to our events!

Everything is still moving on the SCRPG front, though admittedly slower than we'd like. Making big, sprawling, fully-illustrated, in-depth RPG books is hard! But it's worth it! The History of Sentinel Comics is chugging right along, as is our work on the SCRPG Starter Kit. Next month, I'll have a couple of preview images and perhaps even excerpts from the History of Sentinel Comics book for you! And then, as we wrap up those projects and get them to the printer, we'll dive in on the next slate of SCRPG books, including Dark Watch, Urban Settings, and the two big adventures books! 

Until then, keep up the heroics, but watch out for those major twists!


The wheels keep on turning...
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 11:59:17 AM

Good afternoon, Sentinels!

We're still working on books, games, and books that are games! 

Getting to see so many fantastic Sentinels fans in person at UK Games Expo last month was a real treat! I heard numerous tales of people's home campaigns, and got to talk shop on both Hero and Villain building, alike! I even met a fantastic Unity cosplayer:

All in all, a very successful UKGE! We sold out of all of the SCRPG stuff we brought with us, plus a ton of other games, as well! The show was absolutely exhausting — I'm not used to the convention grind like I used to be. Gotta get back into con shape, likely with a training montage! Even so, we all had a blast, and we're even more excited to get more games content into everyone's hands.

Having fully recovered from UK Games Expo, we're now gearing up for Gen Con, which is the first week of August. If you're there, come by booth 1321 and say hi! We'll be showing off a ton of Greater Than Games content, including various SCRPG products!

Nothing specific to share at the moment, other than that we're still in the trenches as digging away — we hope to have more to show off in Q3!

Talk to you soon! Keep being heroes!


New Fillable Villain Sheet and a couple Questions Answered!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 12:49:42 AM

Good morning to heroes and villains alike!

Things are still churning here, but I do have something new for all of you! A few of you have pointed out that the form-fillable PDF for the Villain character sheet had some... issues. And it's true — its functionality was less than ideal. That's a nice way of putting it; it was straight-up broken. But! Now! It is fixed! I've uploaded the new version of the PDF to the Sentinel Comics Core Rulebook listing, so you can easily pull it from there. I unfortunately cannot upload a PDF to Kickstarter itself, or I'd link it here, but we will be hosting it on the GTG website as a download soon, as well. If you got the SCRPG Core Rulebook and never got the DriveThru download for it, let's fix that! Everyone who got the Core Rulebook should have it! Please e-mail us at [email protected] and we'll get that sorted for you.

Qs A'd!

In the comments of our last update, there were a couple questions asked, and I'm here to answer them. 

Archangel asked: "Will the History of Sentinel Comics book be available by itself at a later date?

Yes! Absolutely. We'll have it at the very least on the GTG webstore, and we're hoping that retailers and such will carry it as well! Either way, it'll be available.

Then, Sonvar asked: "So is it mostly art left for the book? History of Sentinel Comics that is."

Mostly! The writing has been handed off from our two illustrious authors and I've been going through edits and tweaks and such, mostly created by the stuff we've said on the Letters Page podcast needing to be justified/accounted for (which Darren Watts has been helping out with as well, to make sure the book is accurate and up-to-date). So, the bulk of what is left on the History book is art, graphic design, and layout, though I do have a bit of final editing left on my plate, as well. And that's where things stand currently! One foot in front of the other.

Thanks for tuning in, folks! Catch you next month!
